The Rugby Sevens is one Hong Kong's few big events, especially for expats and is a weekend people look forward to all year! From flying beer jugs to people dressed up as every character you've ever known, the sevens sees a new crazy each year.
Now I'm not really a sports loving kinda girl, but I never want to miss out on a great excuse to get drunk and party all day. So I thought I should make a survival guide to all of you out there who are more in it for the party then the actual rugby.
1. Dress Up
About 30% of the fun is seeing everyone in crazy costumes, taking pictures and laughing, if you don't dress up you'll feel like you're missing out on some of the fun. Try and be as creative as possible but if you've left it a bit too last minuet theres always that one halloween costume i'm sure you can wear.
2. Prepare To Lose Your Voice
Whether you're screaming at the game or you're trying to talk to your friends over the music one way or another your voice will be gone by the Sunday night. Everyone ends up sounding rather similar to Darth Vader on Monday morning.
3. Grab Some Drinks at 7/11 Before
Unless you come to the sevens with an unlimited supply of money, you will use it all up halfway through the day. With overpriced Pimms and food being the only thing you can get in the stadium, you will burn a hole in your pocket much faster then you think. So on your way to the stadium pop in to 7/11 and down some drinks to give you a pre game buzz....who cares if its only 10am!?
4. Prepare not to eat
This may just be me but when it comes down to the decision of food or alcohol, alcohol always wins, Vodka is made of potatoes is it's not too bad right? Back to my point about the overpriced food, if you want to pay double the price for a McDonald's then be my guest.
5. Get To The South Stand Early
The South Stand is the most exciting, wild and fun stand in the whole stadium, which is why so many people want to get in and there can be almost an hour wait in line on the more popular days like Sunday. You have to be 18 and show your ID (only HK Id's are excepted) or your passport to get it. But once you're in you won't want to leave for the rest of the day but you can't really leave anyway because you will have to queue up to get back in.
6. Don't spend the whole time trying to get on the screen
It's like being famous for 5 seconds, the whole stadium will see you. But seriously though don't waste so much time dancing in front of the cameras to get on the screen because the moment you stop trying to get on, you'll get on, it's just how things work!
7. Prepare to run into everyone you've ever met
Especially if you are an international school kid, you will pretty much know everyone there because almost every expat goes to the Sevens. So be ready for lots of catching up and maybe some awkward encounters with your "favourite" people...
8. Stick With Your Crew
It's so easy to get lost and loose people and with loud music and busy crowds. Attempting to hear anyone on the phone is a challenge so stick together or at least mention where you're going, unless you are all dressed the same then it might be a little easier to spot each other in the crowd.
9. Going Out After Will Be Packed
If you still have enough energy after a day of drinking and dancing to hit Lan Kwai Fong or Wan Chai afterwards, be warned it will be crazy busy and attempting to walk is hard enough, let alone trying to dance.
10.Enjoy Yourself
The sevens only comes once a year and if you live abroad, you might not get to go for a while. Drink, party and let loose and if you have time maybe watch a little bit of the actual rugby.... ;)