16 September 2016

My Life In iPhone Cases

Life is full decisions, some are a lot harder then others. Choosing the perfect iPhone case that matches your personality, makes a statement and is practical can be a modern day nightmare! (I wish i could say I'm joking, but i'm just that sad.) 

You can tell a lot about someones personality from what case they choose to put on the thing they carry around with them constantly. So I thought it would fun to take a trip down memory lane and go through all my embarrassingly tacky iPhone cases and what I thought about them at the time. 

Obviously I was going through cases like they were going out of fashion at the time (which they probably were never in). So i'm keeping it to just the main competitors. 

The Stash (2011)
Remember when everyone had that obsession with moustaches? Well I thought I was the coolest cucumber with this case because if you put it up to your face you could give yourself a moustache...... genius! I brought this before I even got my first iPhone, thats how keen I was for that stash. 

Quirky Kitty (2012)
I thought this made me look really quirky and cute but now I think I just looked like an idiot or worse a Myspace emo. But when you're a big fan of cats it's only normal to add some ears to your phone....right? Although this was probably one of the most impractical cases, unless you consider having ears sticking out your pocket a good thing.

The Fake (2013)
I used this case when I was 17 and wanted a more "grown up" appearance being a senior and all that. At the time I thought everyone would think it was real and I was a total rich bitch, but yeah it was defiantly fake. Who buys real cases anyway? geez. 

The Instafamous (2014)
I used to see this case all the time on Instagram and it had the little straps on it so you could wear it as a bag. I knew it was tacky but still to this day it's my favourite case. I got so much attention for it when I put it through the scanner at airports. Only problem was everyone kept pulling the top thinking it would open... 

What The Duck (2015)

If I told you  this case didn't give me hours of fun I would be completely lying. Yes everyone thought I was a child but they still wanted to play with it, so whose the real winner? Only problem was that it was like a brick so my bag was 5x heavier....but soooo worth it! 

All Scream For Ice-cream (2016)
When I finally got the iPhone 6 for christmas I was unleashed into a world of all new cases. It was a little overwhelming to choose one if I'm completely honest. But nothing beats food and googly eyes (all the ice-creams had eyes before SOMEONE picked them off....but i won't name names ) 

Cool Cacti (2016)
And finally onto the newest case in my life. I tried to pick something new and original but it's just something about those eyes....And of course cacti are every basic bitch's dream. But welcome to the family!

Hope your cases are just as cringey as mine and please appreciate the names i've given them because they amuse me greatly. 

6 September 2016

My Weight Loss Journey | transformationtuesday

I've had this post lined up for a while but i've been waiting for the best day to do it and of course it had to be a Tuesday ;) I decided to write this post because I'm seriously proud of myself and I hope it can help those of you who need a little motivation. 

I've never been completely happy with my body until recently. For those who don't know me well, I'm am the least sporty person and I seriously love food. But you've got to work hard to achieve your goals and that's what I decided to do 2 years ago.  

After 1st year at university in 2014, too much pizza and snacking had taken its toll. I noticed i'd gotten bigger when I started opting for a size 12 rather then my usual at that time, size 10. Although I knew I'd gained a little it wasn't until that summer that I decided to do something. I signed up to a gym at the start of 2nd year and had to weigh myself for the first time in a year and found out i'd gained 10kg. 

I started very slowly just working out once a week and ate relatively healthily with homemade meals. No drastic changes to my diet as such. But by keeping track of what I was nibbling on throughout the day I was able to cut out the unnecessary bits, such as fizzy drinks and sides/sauces with meals.  

After christmas was when I started getting more serious and began a 3 day-a-week routine at the gym and cut out snacking and unhealthy foods almost completely. In just 3 months from Christmas to Easter I began to notice a significant difference. After that my workouts got more intense and I learnt to balance between healthy and unhealthy, because if eating cookies in bed makes you happy you gotta listen to your heart. 

[ March 2015 ]

I am now the smallest i've ever been at a size 6/8 and actually enjoy going to the gym. But I do want to make a very big point to say you don't have to cut out every bad thing you eat, as long as you keep relatively healthy most of the time you can have snacks and eat out, it's just all about balance. 

My Workout: 1 hr + 

Treadmill - 15 minutes uphill (200 Calories)

Crosstrainer - 20 minutes (150)

Bike - 20 minutes (100) 

Weights - 4 sets x Russian Twists 
   4 sets x Sit Ups 
