6 February 2014

Soap&Glory VS Victoria's Secret

These companies specialize in very different things so it's impossible to compare the unique beauty treatments and skin care line that is Soap&Glory with the glamorous underwear line that is Victoria's Secret. But what we can compare is the fabulous smelling products that both these companies produce. 

I have been a fan of both these companies for many years and i've never thought of comparing them until the other day. I was using my Soap&Glory body scrub in the shower for the first time and I honestly wanted to eat it, it smelt that good! Once I was out the shower it was moisturizing time I imminently went for my all time favorite scent, Victoria's Secret "Coconut Passion"and thats when I thought, "will these scents go together? which one will be more powerful?" So I decided to do a little competition. 


Out of the whole range of Soap&Glory products I have chosen to talk about their Famous Righteous Butter and Award Winning Breakfast Scrub. This is because they have such unique scents and are both very foody especially the Breakfast Scrub. They both contain shea butter which is a gorgeous rich nutty flavor, that helps you relax as well as being extremely moisturizing. The Breakfast Scrub is exactly what it smells like, fresh oats drizzled in maple syrup and coated with bananas and nuts, the perfect healthy breakfast thats even healthier for your skin! Although the scent of the Righteous Butter is a little harder to explain, it contains aloe vera which gives it a very refreshing scent and along with the shea butter gives the perfect combination of rich and fresh. I love these scents because they are very natural and I don't worry about putting these on my skin. 

Victoria's Secret

Much like their extravagant shows and beautiful models that make you want to crawl into a cave and never come out, Victoria's Secret has some of the most delicious scents, they've dreamed up the perfect combinations to produce such glamours perfumes and sprays. I have tried many of their products and even had my signature scent be their "Coconut Passion" spray last year. But once I got to university there wasn't a store nearby so I used other perfumes, my love for them came back when I got a 6 set of mini sprays and creams for christmas including my favorite! They are very vanilla based and may even be a little sweet for some peoples liking, but they are very long lasting and like I said before very delicious. Although they don't smell very natural as they are far to strong and sweet, but the products are very gentle on your skin as their moisturizer is very light and more perfumey than most. 

Overall the winning of the best scent competition has to be Victoria's Secret because they are by far the longest lasting and have the largest range of fabulous smells. But if it's the power of the product you're looking for, it has to be Soap&Glory because it leaves your skin feeling moist and silky smooth every time. 

What do you prefer to use, do you agree or disagree? leave a comment :) xx 


  1. Great post! I really love Victoria Secret but I would like to try soap and glory! :D


    1. Thank You :) i've only recently been trying soap and glory and it really is worth the hype x

  2. Personally, I have a huge stance on these two product lines and I think I've come to a conclusion:
    For perfumes and body sprays, VS definitely has the classics like Love Spell and Very Sexy. BUT for bath products and products that are more general "body care" (foot scrubs, lotions, etc.) I find that Soap&Glory tends to be more functional. I love their Sugar Crush shower scrub and use it every day, and their hand lotions are terrific for combating dry weather. I tend to find that Victoria's Secret lotions take a while longer to soak in and have that oily feeling to them.

    Great idea for a post! Looking forward to more :)

    1. definitely have to agree with you on that! :) Been looking through your blog and it's lovely! Thank you for your comment <3 x
