23 January 2016

The 10 Hangover Commandments

I'm sure everyone agrees with me when I say hangovers are quite possibly the worst feeling. Especially a hangover with regrets. But going out is fun and regrets are forgotten after a week, so hangovers are the punishment we have to suffer for being 1 shot to turnt up. But to make your fragile hungover live a little easier i've become the God of drunk bitches and written a list of the commandments everyone in your squad should follow. 

1. One must not be disturbed from their slumber

2. One must not brag about 'feeling fresh' when fellow associates are not

3. One must delete all inappropriate pictures of associates from their snapchat story

4. One must keep noise to a minimum when throwing up

5. One must ask fellow associates if they want take-out before ordering

6. One must gain permission from all associates before instagraming a risky photo

7. If a fellow associate wants a cuddle one must always give in to cuddles

8. The most 'fresh' of the group must take over cleaning duties from the previous night

9. One must only discuss previous events after 5pm

10. One must never judge their fellow associates actions from the previous night


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