2 November 2017

Living At Home In Your 20's

Moving back in with your parents is pretty normal nowadays and nothing to feel bad about. While there's some really great things about it, there are also some times where it can be a little frustrating. 

I've been living back at home for over a year now, since graduating university and here are some little quirks i've noticed. 

Never use mums chicken without asking:

You try and be independent, cooking your own dinner and feeling proud of yourself. Then you hear mum open the fridge....a slight pause and then a yell.. scoff that evidence!

You will feel 10x more guilty about being hungover:

That disappointed look in your parents eye when you run to the sink  for the fifth time in an hour to spew your guts out, will remain in your memory forever. 

"You're eating again? / Stop skipping lunch!"

Whether you eat too much or too little, theres always gonna be a comment. My personal favourite was when I was making scrambled eggs and I heard.. "you will never be able to afford your own lifestyle" didn't know eggs and milk were so pricey?

Lazy days only last until 11am:

So long to the uni days where you'd lay around in your pjs all day. If their noisiness doesn't wake you up at 9am, they'll come into your room wondering whats wrong. Should get one of those "do not disturb" signs.

Your clothing choice.. or lack of clothing will be judged

If you wanna give that whole bralette trend a go, home is not the place. Unless you wanna be compared to a lady of the night..thanks mum!

Always offer to make tea for whoever is around

If you don't it'll quickly come to bite you in the bum while everyone else is sipping their tea and no one asked you. 

Watching cooking shows will become second nature

I never thought I needed to know what a "thyme air" was, but I'm sure it'll come in useful one day. I may not know anything about any recent tv shows but damn that "air" was perfect! 

You parents have a better social life than you

Nothing makes you feel like a loser, quite like coming home to an empty house on a Friday night. Especially when your parents drunk eat your snacks.. they are literally the only good thing I have! 

Don't rant about your job or lack of job

Whatever you say there will always be some story about "back in my day" honestly it's not worth it. 


Although living at home does cause a little bit of friction at times, nothing beats having food and cuddles pretty much whenever you want. You'll miss it IF you finally move out... 


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