4 January 2018

10 Signs You Gotta "Let That Man Go"

New Year is the perfect time to do a little clearing out and I don't mean your wardrobe. It's time to get rid of those boys who are stressing you out, ruining your day and not appreciating you! This year and every year is about YOU so don't let anyone mess you around.

- You initiate every conversation  

Effort should be 50/50 so if you feel like it's more 20/80 then stop putting in the effort. 

- He won't add you because he "doesn't use social media"

It's 2018 everyone uses social media. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, in that case how are you reading this? 

- He doesn't talk to you but "likes" everything

If they're not interested in talking to you they don't "like" you. 

- He still uses a dating app to talk to you after you've met 

Do they have a secret girlfriend or can they just not be bothered pressing that tiny add friend button? 

- He tags other girls in memes

Nowadays you can track who everyone is hooking up with based on who they tag in memes... 

- He refuses to post anything about you

Now I'm not saying you want them to flood their whole feed, but if you feel like you're being hidden.. you probably are.  

- You've met each others parents but still aren't "official"

Is it ever going to happen? because if they're wasting your time and  hooking up with other people then don't even bother. 

- He only messages you after 12am

We all know this is a booty call, stop picking up if you want anything serious. 

- He asks you out but never actually makes plans

It's all exciting getting asked out, but the whole point in asking is to actually GO OUT. 

- He says his ex's are "crazy"

What did he do to make them crazy is the question you should be asking.

If you're experiencing any of these signs, you know what you gotta do.

(If you're a boy reading this how many did you score?)
