I don't know about you, but I'm quite an energetic, overemotional, stressful person on the inside which is quite unhealthy because, well you're with yourself constantly and need to make sure your mind has some time to relax.
Little things like how many likes your selfie got or whether you embarrassed yourself that one time 3 years ago, they are such unimportant thoughts but yet they always hover around you while your trying to relax or sleep. Unless your part of the lucky few who can turn off their thoughts at night, then you can spend hours getting lost in all these silly memories.
Now I'm not writing this to tell you how to "switch it off" if that is even possible, because if I knew trust me they would be off permanently! But since I'm at the point in my life where i've stopped and thought "wtf am I doing with my life?" I had to find some ways to calm myself before I internally combusted.
I don't mean throw on some Tyler Swift and dance around your room, but if that makes you feel better then why not? I mean some calming mixes that help you concentrate when you're studying. Music is a very personal preference though so I won't expect you all to like this, but I find this mix really helps to calm me down. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=ysx9BVYlUY4&list=LMgYo6nGCPuYn-kYlZWQxmJw
Light Candles
Theres just something about watching the flickering of fire thats really soothing to your mind, so well as an amazing smells and the conscious idea of warmth... just perfect.
Avoid Getting Angry/Frustrated
This is honestly the most difficult one but if you're pissed off about something just sit down and calmly think about it because if you get angry it'll just fuel your inner fire, which you may regret later.
Have A Happy Place
I don't want to sound like I'm crazy here, but you know when everything just seems to be getting way to overwhelming and you feel out of control. Distancing your mind from all that negativity and tension really makes you think a lot clearer. Although don't think about anything sad because then you'll cry and have a mental breakdown making you even more overwhelmed.
No Toxic Thoughts
This is the second hardest one to do, we all know everyone can't resist a good bitchathon, but after a very long time i've realised what you say about others really does reflect on how you're feeling deep down in the inner core of your mind. And also you have the constant fear that you're gonna get caught out.
Breath To The Rhythm of the Ocean
Just reading that title makes me cringe like I'm some wanna be guru. But seriously it works, the slow rhythm makes your heart rate slow down while your mind is distracted with thoughts of blue waves crashing down, you honestly just pass out within 3 minuets.
I hope this kinda helps if you tend to be a little bit of an overthinking like myself xx