Recently a lot of questions about the future seem to keep cropping up on me, what do you want to do? Where do you want to live? How are you going to get a job? It's honestly terrifying. Not because I don't think great things are going to happen, but simply due to the fear of the unknown. I've decided to write a few tips that I think prevent me from going into a spiral of decay.
Don't Rush
Apparently peer pressure is at it's peak during high school but I call bullshit. Pressure about the future can be a lot worse. Thinking of taking a gap year? "Oh they're not taking this seriously" Not being able to find a job? "They aren't trying hard enough" and so on. It may seem like you're being rushed but honestly take some time to really think about what you want to do and who you want to be, nothing is worse then waking up to the realisation that you're unhappy with who you've become.
Be Confident Not Egotistic
By all means embrace your best assets and the things that make you individual but don't get cocky about it. Confidence shows you know what you're doing, you enjoy what you're doing and people will see that. But being egotistic and bringing people around you down won't make you any better at what you do.
Dream Big
Having a big dream that you strive towards gives you something to wake up for, something to try your best for. Fair enough you may never become the multimillionaire bachelorette you dream of but you should damn well try. Average dreams get average results.
Forgive Yourself / Respect Your Choices
For me personally this is such an important mindset to have. Everyone does silly things and you may look back and think, "what the hell was I thinking"? But you have to respect that you wanted to do that at the time so whatever the outcome be confident with your choice. You can't rely on other people to understand you or forgive you but if you can rely on yourself life becomes a lot easier.
Don't Compare Yourself To Others
I get compared to so much by other people that if I did it myself I'd probably go a little crazy. It's so easy to look at someone's life and think, "well they've got their shit together" but that's not always the case, remember that we only post what we want other people to see on social media.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
It's so easy to get caught up in social groups and tell people all about your goals and ambitions. But not everyone will be supportive. A handful of people who love and care about you is worth much more then an roomful of people who mock you.
I'm thinking about making "Sunday Thoughts" a frequent thing where I just write about what's on my mind at that time. Let me know what you think? xx