26 September 2015

How To | Make Your Uni Room Homely

I’m sure many of us have been here, I know I certainly have. You walk into your new room picturing it with a fuzzy vision as it was just one of the 50 rooms you saw when house hunting. As soon as you swing your door open panic strikes, for me this is usually at 11pm after a 12-hour flight.  Cue the mental breakdown “I can’t live here for a year” “I want to go home I hate this place”. Here is what you should do before freaking out completely: 

You've just moved in, your room is an empty shell at the moment. Instead of looking at it as a horrible dull room that’s too big, too small, too cold or too yellow. Think of it as a new opportunity to do what ever you want to make it yours. 

Gather Inspiration
If you’re really organised then you may already have some ideas, but actually being in your room may make you rethink your design. I just endlessly scroll through instagram under the hashtags #roominspo. There's Nothing worse than going shopping with zero idea about what you want. 

For me personally I always over look this step because the moment you unpack means there’s no going back, unless you like beg your dad and then pack it up again…but that’s unlikely.  Once familiar things surround you, you will immediately feel the tiniest bit more at home.

Now for some inspiration! 

A Cute Desk = More Likely To Use It 

I always find that a tidy, minimalistic desk clears your head a bit and helps with productivity. It's also one of the main parts of your room, so if that looks good it will reflect on the rest of your room. 

From right to left: Star Light: £10 Primark, Magazine holder £2.80 Wilko, Leather Holder Tkmaxx, Cork-board £2 Wilko. 

In more detail: 

Lamp £16 BHS, Cacti £2 each Wilko, Notepad Emma Bridgewater

Mood Boards = Inspiration 

There's nothing worse then having to sit in and work when it's a beautiful day outside, luckily for me England doesn't have too many of those days but for when it does this board is a real lifesaver. You can put anything that inspires you to dream big and reach your goals. I've included postcards from amazing holidays and pictures with friends as well as of course my timetable cuz this girl's can't remember her classes. 

Surrounding Yourself With Those You Love = Not So Homesick 

They may not be with you right now but you've temporarily stuck them on your wall so that's the next best thing I guess..... It also fills those blank horribly yellowy cream walls a bit. 

Pillows/ Toys = Comfy Comfy Comfy 

You may feel like a child sometimes but honestly everyone has toys on their bed, i'm just brave enough to show the world. But seriously the more pillows and comfy toys the merrier, especially in the winter when it's freezing or when you're a little lonely and need some snuggles, rather then bugging your flatmates to do it all the time....(although it's their duty to love you if they've lived with you for over a year) Cough Cough. 

Fairy Lights = Make Everything Look Nice 

If you hate big main room lights like me then fairy lights are gods gift to the world, there's just something about it being dark but not too dark that monsters can get you that makes me feel super cozy, (I'm joking about the monsters.....kinda) 

Can't Find Things = Improvise 

Not everything you need to make your room a little more practical can be brought or found without looking for ages. Sometimes a little creative thinking can go a long way, there are so many little tricks you can use to make life easier. At least after 3 years these books have some use. 

Hope this post gives you a little bit of inspiration for your room and if not you can just enjoy the pretty picture which I took ages to look "professional". xx