31 December 2014


It's my birthday it's my birthday I'm gonna party like its my birthday! I've officially had this blog for a year and I'm so pleased with what it's become. It's a little place that I have on the internet where I can chat to invisible people and hopefully make them happy for the time they read a post. I've learnt a lot about myself from doing this. Since the summer every time I return home to HK people have come up to me and mentioned my blog in some way, it honestly makes my day! It's something I love and if other people love it too then that's amazing :) 

Here are a few of my favourite posts so far! 

 Considering that the date is New Years Eve, you can probably tell that this blog was my New Years resolution. I have never actually gone through with one of my resolutions before, normally by the end of January I just can't be bothered. But this year has inspired me to make more resolutions which I will try my hardest to follow. I used to create unrealistic or unhealthy goals which I wouldn't even start, my advice is the create resolutions that you want to do. Don't say you're going to stop drinking coffee when you can't function first thing in the morning without it. Make it doable!

Unpopular opinion alert: I don't like New Years Eve. I say it all year but as soon as it gets past Christmas I make it another day to look forward to because you might as well be festive for as long as you can! But I'm always disappointed, you're pressured to get drunk and party your way into the New Year. When I drink there's a 70% chance I will cry and have a mental breakdown just because I'm THAT drunk girl. Thats a very bad way to start a nice new clean fresh year, and to make it worse you wake up puking everywhere the next day.... not a very inspiring start to the year. So I just want you guys to know you don't have to pressure yourself to have the best night ever and start the new year off great.

My resolution this year is to be happy with myself. It's so hard not to overthink your life, there's so much pressured to have fun, get a good job, experience the world. Just focus on you. I get my happiness from people around me, this year I'm focusing on getting my happiness from me. 

Thank you for a years worth of support and I hope next year brings you lots of happiness xxxxx

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