4 October 2014

Ashley Benson Inspired Make-up Tutorial

 I am a huge Pretty Little Liars fan and of course Hanna Marin is my favorite. Which is why I have chosen to do a makeup tutorial on Ashley Benson. I am a little worried that it's kinda similar to my other tutorial on Kylie Jenner, but with a more natural twist. 

Ashley is naturally very beautiful so she doesn't wear as much makeup and some other celebrities, but her signature rocker chic look doesn't go unnoticed on the red carpet. 

Before we start I would just like to remind you that I'm not blonde so of course I won't look the same! 

Prepping Your Face 

Firstly I prepped my face using my normal routine of: Benefit POREfessional, Natural Collection coverup cream, Maybelline Better Skin Foundation and MAC studio fix powder. Remember that Ashley's skin is quiet pale so I have avoided using any bronzer or tanned products. 


I then highlighted my cheeks with Makeup Academy- English Rose. This mosaic blush does add a hint of colour but I mostly use it to add shine and a bit of glow to my face. 

Benefits- Dandelion blush was the perfect colour for this tutorial because it's not too heavy on your face and give you a natural looking blush while defining your cheek bones. 

Ashley's eyebrows are very thin and pointy, so it's important to shape yours by using an eyebrow brush. Her eyebrows also have very defined arches, so to make mine more prominent I used Maybelline Sculpting Brow Mascara as it helps to hold them in place. Remembering the fact that Ashley is blond, try and avoid putting heavy amounts of the brow mascara on as it will make yours darker. 


Because Ashley's look is quite natural, she only has eyeliner on her bottom waterline. 


Eyeshadow is the most important aspect of this makeup tutorial, this is where the rocker chic really comes to life. I used Fabulousness Palette. Start applying from the outside of your eye and work towards the inside, this makes the eyeshadow gradually lighten and gives your eye an ombre look. Apply a lighter silvery shimmer underneath your eyebrow to add a sparkly touch to your look. 

Although Ashley's eye shadow is black, I thought brown would be better suited for my look. I used Urban Decay Naked Palette 2 - Busted for the darker colour. 

What makes Ashley's look so unique is her messy under eye shadow. It makes her look more casual and chic. For this I used a mixture of the brown and silver shadow, which I placed just underneath my eye. 

Add lots of black mascara to dramatize your eyes.

The secret to celebrities makeup is highlighter, as it distracts the eye and makes parts of your face more dominant. Apply a touch of highlighter to your cheeks and nose and blend it in all. 

Finishing Touches 

Finally do a quick smudge of your eyeshadow with your ring finger to make it look more smokey and add a touch of pinky lip-butter. 

And there you go, your natural, rocker chic, party girl, Ashley Benson Makeup! 

Tell we what you think about this tutorial and who should I do next? xx 

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