6 May 2015

7 Stages Your Hair Goes Through On a Night Out

Everybody loves a killer hairstyle on a night out, they picture that scene from Mean Girls where they are strutting through the corridor looking hot as .....  But the truth is cute hair, club music and alcohol really don't mix well together. So here are the 7 stages your hair goes through on a night out: 

1.  The Fresh Do 

You've mastered the hair donut (As best you can) and you're feeling confident, sassy and ready to take on the night. Also you've put in about a million pins so it will FOR SURE stay in place, right? 

2. The Tipsy: "this will make it even better" 

This stage usually happens before you even step foot out of the door and you've had one to many pre drinks. After you've seen all your friends hairstyles and you feel that yours just needs that little bit extra. 

3. The Disaster 

When your jam comes on in the club your hair is the last thing on your mind, let the head banging commence and the hair fall out. Don't even bother trying to find your pins. 

4. The "this looks just as good" 

Screw hair donuts anyway I don't need them, the high pony is so underrated I can own this hairstyle. Little do you know you actually look like your off to school. 

5. The Excepting Your Fate

It's just all gotta come out, I'm never going to do my hair for a night out again its just such a waste of time. All I wanted to do was just look cute FOR ONCE.

6. The Drunk Bathroom Play Around 

It needs some more volume, guys love the sexy just got out of bed look! Let me just scratch my head back and forth and shake it around a bit, I don't care if I look crazy JUST MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL.

7. The F#%K It 

I can't even be bothered with you anymore, me and you are over hair this is it, first thing tomorrow I'm chopping you off and there NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

How does your hair treat you on nights out? xx 

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