21 May 2015

10 Thoughts Girls Have At The Gym

"Can people smell me?"

Especially if you go to the gym first thing in the morning, there's no point showering before,(except for a deodorant shower of course) which makes your fear worse. 

"Can you see my nipples?"

Unless your sports bra is super padded, those girls are coming out one time or another. No matter how baggy my shirt is over the top they always find a way. 

"If I go on the cross trainer will people think I'm being typical?"

Everyone seems to joke about the fact that girls only ever go on cross trainers, but they are just so much more fun then running on the treadmill!

"Please don't have sweat patches"

When your running like a bitch and sweating of course your gonna get a couple of sweat patches, just gotta deal with it and if you don't have any then it means you're not working hard enough.

"Did I shave my armpits today? I won't lift my arms up just incase"

On the same subject as armpits, shaving them is very easy to forget when you're running late. If you're in doubt tie your hair up REALLY tight in the changing room before so you can avoid that awkward moment when you have to lift your arms up in front of the whole gym and bear all.

"I'm not looking at you, you're looking at me"

I'm looking at them because their looking at me but what if their looking at me because I'm looking at them? best just to look at the ground and avoid all awkward eye contact.

"Do I have a camel toe?"

Yoga pants just love to get all up in your business and you're constantly on high alert. But trying to discretely sort yourself out in front of a room full of people and mirrors just isn't as easy as you thin. 

"Is she wearing makeup?"

I will never understand people who wear makeup to the gym. You don't need to look your best when sweating. Workout for yourself, not to impress people around you.

"Check me out, I'm like one of those fitness gurus now!"

That after workout feeling is just way to addictive, you're proud of yourself, feeling like the healthiest person ever! Just don't ruin that but stuffing your face after.

"I can't wait to shower"

No matter how amazing your workout is, nothing will beat the feeling of showering away all that sweat and grossness afterwards.

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