11 June 2015

What People Don't Tell You About Nose Piercings

Your piercer pretty much picks your nose

Rather than feeling the pain of someone sticking a needle through your skin, your brain gets distracted by the awkwardness of someones finger up your nose. 

You get a pimple when it's first pierced

Instead of people noticing your cool new bling, everyone just see's the giant pimple that appears right next to your piercing. It's pretty much your body rejecting the metal but don't worry it will go away within a week or 2. 

When you're sick, all your snot will get stuck around it

When I first wanted a nose piercing I was told all these stories about when you get sick and that you won't be able to blow your nose. The only thing you have to worry about is giving it an extra clean. 

Everyone will ask how it fits in your nose

And usually a demonstration of how you take it in and out will happen where everyone cringes. But that can be said for every "unusual" piercing people have. 

65% chance it will hang out when you sneeze

It doesn't happen every time but it can be a bit embarrassing when you don't realise it and everyone mistakes the metal bar hanging out your nose for a sneaky bogey. 

People either love it or hate it and will tell you their opinion

This one really surprised me, I happily take the complements people give me about it but the negatives were a bit unexpected. Would you tell someone who wore something you didn't like "That looks horrible I would never ruin myself like that"? Didn't think so..... 

And the good things......... 

It's the best conversation starter 

whether that is with other people with nose piercings, creating a bond of piercingness or with people who are curious about it, a total ice breaker! 

It's an excuse for having a cheeky pick

This is probably way to much info, but I'm just being honest if you ever get caught you can just say you're playing with your stud. 

You won't be able to imagine your face without it

It's the first thing you notice when you look in the mirror and it's a part of your life now. As well as looking totally gorgeous. 

It will change your life... a little bit

You now have something different from the norm, it's your tiny way of rebelling against the world without going too over the top. Not everyone can pull it off either, so if you can, flaunt it!

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