21 October 2016

Halloween Tutorial | Pumpkin Spice Latte

IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! My annual halloween costume tutorial i.e my favourite post of the year! i've done scary and (somewhat) sexy before, so I thought it was time for a funny costume. Now you should all know by now about my obsession with all things halloween and pumpkin spice, so why not put the two best things about autumn together and make a pumpkin spice latte costume?! I know pure genius Nicole, queue the round of applause. 

So here's my step by step guide to being the basicest bitch in town: 

STEP 1: 

On the first piece of your white card, stick your Starbucks logo onto the centre, making sure it's a little over halfway up since the logo in Starbucks isn't exactly in the middle of the cup. (it's gotta be realistic people!) 

STEP 2: 

Measure the card around your biggest area, boobs or hips, so you can slide it on and off easily and not have to be cut out of it. Then with your second piece of card work out how much extra space you need and cut the paper. I decided to cut mine in half. 


Then staple the second piece of card to the first piece at both ends so it forms a cylinder shape. Don't be afraid to just bang a whole load of staples in there, you want to make sure it's nice and secure. Make sure the logo is still in the centre at this point, so only staple at the back of your costume. 

STEP 4: 

Using the hole puncher, make 4 holes into your cup, 2 either side at the front and 2 either side at the back. Make sure the ones at the front match up with the ones at the back, as this is where your handles/straps are going to be. 


Secure everything with about 2 layers of tape, but go crazy with it if you want, better safe then sorry! This includes the holes you just punched so that when you put the handles in they won't rip out so easily. 


Reopen the holes just by poking some scissors through the tape, and measure your shoulders and cut 2 pieces of sting to size, to use for your handles. 

STEP 7: 

Thread your string through each of the front and back holes and tie a whole load of knots to make sure the string doesn't slide through the hole. Now you can actually wear you're cup! 


For the final touch staple your white fabric onto the top rim of your cup to give it that whipped cream affect. And boom your cup is officially complete!

STEP 9: 

Add a little pumpkin spice theme to your makeup by using tonnes of bronzer and highlighter around your face and as eyeshadow. If you happen to have any orange eyeshadow laying around (yeah I know I went through some bad makeup stages lets not talk about it) you can use the shadow as lipstick by applying balm and then sticking the orange to it with a lip liner brush. Don't forget to add you're little pumpkin hat or accessory. 


(I even got some props, some actual pumpkin spice! which I spent far too much time trying to find, but it's in Citysuper for all my basic bitches) 

Don't forget to check out my other tutorials from the past three years here: 


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